Our Philosophy

The proliferation of beauty product trends in recent years has led many brands to release a plethora of products. Sometimes, due to the abundance, the functions and purposes of the products overlap. Recognizing this issue, Pürlosophy Skincare emerges as a brand focused on simple, compact, and multifunctional products.

Muhammad Luthfi Fauzan, CEO of Pürlosophy, stated that they aim to reduce the negative impact of the beauty industry on the environment. We embrace the concept of skipcare, which combines 2 skincare functions into 1 product simultaneously. We might recall the 10-step skincare routine from Korea in the past. Now, users can save time when using skincare products. Our brand values optimizing the use of essential products while still delivering results.

Fauzan added that with the "skipcare" concept, their products can minimize beauty waste. We produce bottles and outer packaging from recycled materials like PET (plastic bottle waste) and PULP (recycled paper). Thus, besides being environmentally friendly, our products are much more compact (space-saving) and practical in terms of usage time, post-application results, and price due to the dual benefits of one bottle.

Today, Pürlosophy launches 2 environmentally friendly skincare products. The first is the 2-in-1 Essence Toner, which combines essence and toner. Its function is to replenish moisture after washing the face and then lock in hydration to prevent skin moisture loss. This 2-in-1 Essence Toner is the key to preparing the skin to absorb nutrients in the subsequent skincare steps. The second product is the Serum-Infused Moisturizer, containing highly concentrated active ingredients commonly found in serums. Each product will have 3 variants: brightening, smoothing acne, and firming. Thus, there will be 6 products in this initial launch. Users can choose the variant according to their skin concerns.

Here, Pürlosophy implements the concept of a circular economy to help create a more sustainable beauty industry. This practice can be done in various ways, such as using environmentally friendly raw materials, producing products that are more energy-efficient, or reducing waste. The spirit and mission to raise awareness among the public or beauty enthusiasts with Pürlosophy as an environmentally friendly "skipcare" skincare will impact the increasing importance of environmental conservation. Pürlosophy adopts green marketing by advocating the use of recycled materials for bottles and outer packaging of its products.

During the launch event, Pürlosophy also appointed Nadine Chandrawinata as the Brand Ambassador. The shared vision and mission with Nadine, namely, caring for environmental sustainability and waste management, are the reasons why Nadine was chosen as the Brand Ambassador of Pürlosophy. Besides being an environmental activist concerned about beauty waste, Nadine's selection as the face of the Pürlosophy brand is due to her role as a young mother with a busy lifestyle yet still caring about self-care. Nadine's figure falls into the category of young mothers, aligning with our target segment of young mothers aged 25 and above. Nadine's image also perfectly represents the values of the Pürlosophy brand, which will establish top-of-mind awareness among beauty brands and enthusiasts in Indonesia at present.

To face the challenges of 2024, various strategies have been prepared by the Pürlosophy team, especially in the digital field. The team will create curiosity among the audience through honest reviews from e-commerce, TikTok, Tokopedia, this website, and Instagram. Not only that, but the Pürlosophy team itself will prepare to build and recruit a beauty community they choose to become brand representatives to voice and implement the brand values of Pürlosophy in the public.

From the perspective of a circular economy, we have a take-back program in collaboration with our Waste Management Partner, exchanging any inorganic waste or trash. Customers can receive discount vouchers for purchasing Pürlosophy products. There will also be a loyalty program where used Pürlosophy skincare waste can be exchanged for new Pürlosophy products. This year, we plan to participate in several beauty bazaars to ensure direct awareness coverage to the target market is more clearly felt.

By implementing the above, Pürlosophy, as a new local skincare brand, can be optimistic about contributing to reducing the negative impact of the beauty industry on the environment. Our recycled packaging and "skipcare" concept serve as unique selling points to streamline time, space, usage methods, and budgets for our skincare users. Moreover, we have a vision and mission to increase awareness among beauty enthusiasts about the importance of self-care and environmental preservation. Because Pürlosophy believes that true beauty is about caring for one's surroundings as well, not causing harm.

So, skip the steps and get the results with Pürlosophy.